* This file is part of the FOSRestBundle package.
* (c) FriendsOfSymfony <http://friendsofsymfony.github.com/>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
if (class_exists(Template::class)) {
* Compat class for applications where SensioFrameworkExtraBundle is installed, to be removed when compatibility with the bundle is no longer provided.
* @internal
abstract class CompatView extends Template
} else {
* Compat class for applications where SensioFrameworkExtraBundle is not installed.
* @internal
abstract class CompatView
* The controller (+action) this annotation is set to.
* @var array
* @note This property is declared within this compat class to not conflict with the {@see Template::$owner}
* property when SensioFrameworkExtraBundle is present.
protected $owner = [];
* @note This method is declared within this compat class to not conflict with the {@see Template::setOwner}
* method when SensioFrameworkExtraBundle is present.
public function setOwner(array $owner)
$this->owner = $owner;
* The controller (+action) this annotation is attached to.
* @return array
* @note This method is declared within this compat class to not conflict with the {@see Template::getOwner}
* method when SensioFrameworkExtraBundle is present.
public function getOwner()
return $this->owner;
* View annotation class.
* @Annotation
* @Target({"METHOD","CLASS"})
#[\Attribute(\Attribute::TARGET_CLASS | \Attribute::TARGET_METHOD)]
class View extends CompatView
* @var int|null
protected $statusCode;
* @var array
protected $serializerGroups;
* @var bool
protected $serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks;
* @param array|string $data
public function __construct(
$data = [],
array $vars = [],
bool $isStreamable = false,
array $owner = [],
?int $statusCode = null,
array $serializerGroups = [],
bool $serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks = false
) {
if ($this instanceof Template) {
trigger_deprecation('friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle', '3.7', 'Extending from "%s" in "%s" is deprecated, the $vars and $isStreamable constructor arguments will not be supported when "sensio/framework-extra-bundle" is not installed and will be removed completely in 4.0.', Template::class, static::class);
parent::__construct($data, $vars, $isStreamable, $owner);
} elseif ([] !== $vars) {
trigger_deprecation('friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle', '3.7', 'Extending from "%s" in "%s" is deprecated and "sensio/framework-extra-bundle" is not installed, the $vars and $isStreamable constructor arguments will be ignored and removed completely in 4.0.', Template::class, static::class);
$values = is_array($data) ? $data : [];
$this->statusCode = $values['statusCode'] ?? $statusCode;
$this->serializerGroups = $values['serializerGroups'] ?? $serializerGroups;
$this->serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks = $values['serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks'] ?? $serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks;
// Use the setter to initialize the owner; when extending the Template class, the property will be private
$this->setOwner($values['owner'] ?? $owner);
* @param int $statusCode
public function setStatusCode($statusCode)
$this->statusCode = $statusCode;
* @return int|null
public function getStatusCode()
return $this->statusCode;
* @param array $serializerGroups
public function setSerializerGroups($serializerGroups)
$this->serializerGroups = $serializerGroups;
* @return array
public function getSerializerGroups()
return $this->serializerGroups;
* @param bool $serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks
public function setSerializerEnableMaxDepthChecks($serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks)
$this->serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks = $serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks;
* @return bool
public function getSerializerEnableMaxDepthChecks()
return $this->serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks;